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A boy wihtout name(没有名字的男孩)

Once upon a timein a country far from here there lived a boy who had no name . it is very strange to have no name and you might ask:"why didn’t he have a name?" well It was like this…It was a windy and snowy day people felt very cold. In the castle a little prince was come into the world in the night . His mother the beautiful queen was very happy. The little prince was very cute and nice. He grew up quickly. He played in the ‘music forest’ every day and picked the bananas sometimes. He enjoyed every day .The little prince was very handsome. However he had no name. Why? That was because the queen love him too much so she wanted to give the little prince the best name of the world.When the little prince grew up to 4 years and a half the queen finally got a name. Therefore she decided give the name to her son in Dec. 12 and they would have a big party for the prince. But... incident occurred. One day the prince played in the mountain fell off the mountain accidentally and he was died. Queen was very sad. She ordered the city: "Children under 5 years may not have a name!" After some years a very cute little boy walked into the forest. The little boy had no name because he was under 5 years old. Suddenly the boy met a witch The witch made a kind of medicine The name of the medicine was "can not grow up “.She forced the boy drank the medicine because she wanted to see the effect of the medicine. Results it was very efficacious medicine so the little boy couldn’t grow up he couldn’t have a name since that. Oh poor child!||| 没有名字的男孩很久很久以前,很久很久很久以前,在一个国家离这里不远,住着一个男孩谁没有名字。这是非常奇怪,没有名字,你也许会问:“为什么他不具有个名字?”嗯,事情是这样的...那是一个风雨交加、狂风呼啸的夜晚,大雾笼罩了整个皇宫,迷迷蒙蒙的。美貌天仙的皇后生下了一个小王子。皇后十分高兴。小王子一天天长大了,他每天都到音乐森林里去玩耍,有时候还会在小树旁采蘑菇。但是,小王子一直没有名字。为什么呢?那是因为皇后太爱她的这个孩子了,她想给小王子一个最完美的,最独一无二的名字。当小王子渐渐长大到4岁半时,皇后终于想出了一个名字。于是,决定在12月12日,在城堡里面,举行着一个隆重的仪式,关于“一个给小王子的名字”。在这个典礼上,皇后将给予王子名字。但是,但是……小王子在山上玩耍时,一不小心摔下悬崖了,王子死了。皇后悲痛欲绝。她 过了一些年,一个十分可爱的小男孩走进了森林。小男孩还没有名字,因为他还没到5周岁。小男孩遇见了一个巫婆。巫婆正在研制一种“不能长大的药水”,她逼迫小男孩喝下那药水,想试试药水疗效。结果,那药水非常灵验,小男孩再也长不大了,于是,他再也得不到名字了,成了没有名字的人。哦,可怜的孩子!|||

标签: boy wihtout name 没有 名字 男孩


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