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Education System in China Today(中国教育体制)

Education System in China Today

Education in China today has been developing rapidly。 Most children start school by the age of six。 They spend five or six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school, which are compulsory education。

After that, some can attend professional school for two to three years before work。 Some attend senior middle school for three years。 Students have to pass a series of examinations before entering a college or university。 The college or university life lasts two to four years。 Now part of the cost is provided by with their families, although students can get the support from the college。 After they graduate, they can go and find jobs。

Though great changes have taken place in the fields of education in China, there is still much to be improved。

标签: education system in china today 中国 教育 体制


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