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I hope everyone can keep healthy(我希望每个人都身体健康)

Dear ××

I’m sorry to hear that you are afarid of the A1H1M Flu in the USA.I think you shouldn’t be worried if you can come to China and your home town .Here are some ways for you.

When you want to come to China by plane you should go to the hospital first.If you are healthyyou can take the plane.And in the’d better not talk or play with others.If you still want to stay in the USA. You should have some good habbits. For example don’t go to anywhere where there are lots of people clean your hands four times a day and usually keep your windows open.

If you do these I think you won’t be worried about that you will get this illness and you’ll keep away from the H1n1 flu.

Best wishes


标签: hope everyone can keep healthy 希望 每个 身体 健康


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