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假如你是Chen Hua,住在北京长安街780号。一九九○年六月二十一日你给王老师(Mr Wang)写信,想说下面几件事:

(1) 你收到王老师六月十七日的来信,得知他今夏计划来北京。你盼望能早日见到他。

(2) 你所在学院准备出一本杂志,你是该杂志的助理编辑(assistant editor)之一。杂志为双月刊,你打算第一期出版后送一本给王老师。

(3) 询问王老师是否仍在教毕业班。你对王老师生动有趣的英语课印象很深。


A Letter to One’s Teacher

780 Changan Street


June 21 2008

Dear Mr. Wang

Your letter of June 17 reached me this morning as a pleasant surprise. I had been missing you all the time dear teacher. Glad to know that you are planning to come to Beijingfor a visit this summer. I eagerly look forward to seeing you as soon as possible.

My college will soon start a magazine of which I have been made one of the assistant editors. It is a bimonthly. I’ll send you a copy as soon as the first issue is out .

Are you still teaching the graduate class now? I will never forget your English classes which were so lively and interesting.

Love to your family!

Yours gratefully

Chen Hua

标签: 高考 英语 作文 试题 范文


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